What is TML

The Texas Municipal League is a great asset and resource to Texas Cities. It has no power nor legal authority over any city. The benefit of TML is utilizing its local government training, guidance, and legislative lobby. TML is highly respected and considered the ultimate authoritative information resource about city governance in Texas. They also offer “Risk Pool” insurance of which 98% of Texas cities participate. When New Fairview was sued by a former employee the Risk Pool legal department represented the city (out of court settlement was obtained and funded by TML Risk Pool).

The remaining post is copy from the TML constitution.”
Section 2.1 – Organizational Purpose. The purpose statement of this organization is: Empowering Texas cities to serve their citizens. To achieve this purpose, the organization shall:

A. Represent municipal interests before legislative and administrative bodies.

B. Conduct original research in any area of concern to member cities and provide the results of that research to member cities and other interested parties.

C. Serve as a repository of literature, analyses, research, and other data related to all aspects of municipal operations, and make that material available to members.

D. Sponsor and conduct conferences, seminars, meetings, and workshops for the purpose of studying and exchanging information regarding municipal government.

E. Make available an official magazine and other publications, reports, or newsletters of interest to members.

F. Secure the assistance of educational institutions for the purpose of gathering, analyzing, and publishing municipal government information, and conducting training and professional development in the field of municipal administration.

G. Strive to secure harmonious actions among Texas cities, other governments, and other groups in all matters which affect the rights and duties of the cities of Texas.

H. Provide any additional services for which individual members, acting alone, may not have adequate resources.

I. Promote the interests of the League’s affiliates by providing organizational and technical assistance.

J. Promote constructive and cooperative intergovernmental relations by maintaining mutually supportive relationships with groups representing local, state, and regional governments.

TML.org link

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