About FM407

FM407.com is an independent personal blog owned by New Fairview City Council member Steven King. The purpose of this website is to share informative local government content in a fair and respectful format. Content accuracy is paramount. All content is produced by Steven and he is the only person with admin access. This website is not sanctioned, nor endorsed, by the City of New Fairview. Steven King is not a publisist-spokesperson for any public or private entity.

Images are not allowed to be copied, used, nor shared. DO NOT COPY, USE, OR SHARE any images found on FM407.com because that may infringe on creator copyrights owned by another person.

Pages will be revised and updated as needed without notification. Posts will be corrected for accuracy with notice. No notification is given for grammar and spelling corrections that do not alter the original information intent and meaning. Comments are turned off. Email contact is Freewird@Gmail.com. Thank You for reading and visiting FM407.com.

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