“This post is intended to share information without judgement or disrespect.”
The New Fairview City Council meeting on May 6, 2024 was unexpectedly cancelled due to a lack of quorum. One Council Member gave two weeks notice of absence due to conflicting work schedule. Another member walked out before the meeting was called to order. A third member did not enter the Council Chamber. A majority of the presiding Council is a quorum (3 of 5 members).
Breaking quorum is rare but not unprecedented at local level legislation (city council). Prairie View, Texas had walk-out broken quorums for months in 2022. Breaking quorum usually costs the city funds. The smaller the entity the less it can afford canceled meetings. City Staff time and effort preparing for the meeting and paid consultant/advisor costs are not transferable forward nor recoverable. Especially if it is a quorum walkout or unexpected no shows (absent at posted meeting time). The responsible way to bust/break quorum is to give notice as early as possible of not being able to attend a meeting. This type of local legislative quorum control is not as financially impactful as a walkout or zero notification.
Notifying the City Secretary or City Administrator a week prior is appreciated. Or as soon as possible after the meeting agenda has been posted containing an action item deemed worthy of breaking quorum. Additionally, I believe it is more respectful, at the time the meeting was scheduled, the quorum breakers should remain out of sight and unavailable. Do not be conspicuous or flaunting. Respect the city and those affected.
Quorum is not enforceable at the local level. Even though I have heard of other cities trying to intimidate city council members with threats of police escort and guard to ensure a quorum. New Fairview does not intimidate.
It takes courage to stand up for what you believe in. Words are easy. Especially on social media. Action is hard and courageous. A controversial agenda action item could possibly be tabled, in hopes of affording the minority members a more advantageous position at a future meeting; but that is a gamble. Thus the temptation to bust quorum.
“Quorum-busting, also known as a walkout, [or breaking quorum,] is a tactic that prevents a legislative body from attaining a quorum, and can be used by a minority group seeking to block the adoption of some measure they oppose. Quorum-busting has been used for centuries. For instance, in 1840 during his time in the Illinois Legislature, Abraham Lincoln leapt out of a first story window (the doors of the Capitol had been locked to prevent legislators from fleeing) in a failed attempt to prevent a quorum from being present.” Wikipedia