CCM 7/15/2024

This post is an unofficial brief of New Fairview City Council Meeting on July 15, 2024.
All council members were in attendance.
1. Agenda item 7A was unanimously approved to award 3H Concrete Inc. the contract for reconstruction of approximately 300 feet of Pioneer Road at the FM407 connection. The successful contract bid is for $130,526. The council established a “not to exceed” limit of $145,000. The project will be inspected by and built to TxDot specifications.

2. Agenda item 7B. The Council unanimously approved the Constellation Lake PID Annual Service Plan Update. Since CL has not been built and has no current residents this is strictly an annual city council administrative task (non-expenditure/non-revenue) required per TLGC Chapter 372.

3. Agenda item 7C. The council denied a deannexation petition request for approximately 236.7 acres on FM2264 (southeast of the Chisholm Hills area). Council Resolution (202407-02-110) expressing the basis of denial was also unanimously approved.

4. Agenda item 7D. A Resolution was unanimously approved to authorize the City Administrator to execute a contract with Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle and Townsend, PC for legal services for water and wastewater for the Wise County Mayors Coalition. South Wise County Cities are seeking to form a Water District. The State Legislature has to approve the creation of the district. Legal services are needed to correctly author the water district legislative bill.

5. Agenda item 7E. A resolution was unanimously approved for a Professional Services Agreement with Westwood Professional Services, Inc for landscape architecture services relating to the awarded 2025 TxDot Green Ribbon Grant Project. New Fairview has a State Grant to develop a small plot of TxDot easement on the west side of the 287 southbound on-ramp at FM407. This is a means of identifying and promoting New Fairview.

6. Agenda item 7F. Council unanimously approved an Interlocal Agreement with Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool for Cyber Liability and Data Breech Response Coverage at a cost of $1,250 annually. This agreement was needed due to TML increases of cyber liability premiums because of cyber claims increasing in frequency and severity.

CCM 7/15 agenda and packet link